Flat earth map theory
Flat earth map theory

flat earth map theory

So how exactly does the world look if it is indeed flat? Those embedded in the wild theory believe the so-called “round Earth conspiracy” is something we have been tricked into believing since an early age through schooling and pop culture - the logo for Universal Pictures is heavily used as an example of this apparent conditioning. These people are Flat-Earthers who hope to expose the fact our planet is not a sphere.

flat earth map theory

In fact, these people will have you believe everything you think you know about the world is wrong and you should blame it on a global conspiracy involving NASA, governments and scientists. THERE is a growing conspiracy about the map of Australia and it has nothing do with the fact it looks like Scooby Doo.Īccording to a bizarre online movement, the map of Australia is not an accurate representation of how our continent is shaped.

Flat earth map theory